Michael Jackson Remembered

You will be missed Michael, but through your music you will live on.

Remembering the “King of Pop”   1958-2009

The First Lady Has Legs

Who would have thought that our First Lady, Michelle Obama, would be catching so much flak for having and showing great body parts.  First of all was the big debate last February over Mrs. Obama baring her arms.  Now another controversial debate is sparked because she chose to wear shorts that showed her thighs.  My goodness! 

The bold, leg baring move this week by the First Lady has certainly sparked new conversation at the office water cooler.  The question is, “Should she or shouldn’t she wear short-shorts?”  In my office co-workers were split all but one to one with the consensus being that she should be able to dress for the occasion and how she feels comfortable.  “She looked good!”, one exclaimed, “and for God’s sake she is not an old woman”.  Another stated that if she is comfortable showing her assets then so be it.  One female co-worker went as far as to say she would love it if Mrs. Obama upon President Obama’s completion of term in office would pose for Playboy.  That might be going a little too far in flaunting the First Lady’s assets.

The lone woman that brought up the subject to begin with thought that the First Lady crossed the line by wearing those shorts and that she should dress more appropriately by being more conservative.  No one else seemed to take it that seriously and a co-worker mentioned the fact that no one made a big deal out of it when President Obama was photographed with no shirt on.  All anyone could say about that at the time was how good he looked.

I say, “What’s the big deal anyway?  Michelle Obama is a healthy, confident, vibrant, young First Lady and when you’ve got it, well, you’ve got it!”

2009 Hurricane Season Has Arrived

Hurricane KatrinaAnother Hurricane Season has arrived in the Atlantic.  According to Colorado State University Forecasters, 2009 is expected to bring an above average hurricane season with at least 14 storms of which 7 will become hurricanes. 

The much needed rain arrived a little early to South Florida this year with a record number of rainfall for May.  According to Palm Beach County Meteorologists there was 15.7 inches of rain, which makes May 2009 the second-wettest May in history according to Palm Beach records.  May 1890 is recorded as having the most rainfall in Palm Beach County history with 16.2 inches.

The Atlantic Hurricane Season runs from June 1 to November 30. With a typical season consisting of 11 named storms, 6 hurricanes, and 2 major hurricanes according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

No matter where you live along the Eastern Seaboard it is a good idea to get prepared if you have not done so already by reviewing your hurricane preparedness guide and have a plan you are ready to act on in the even of a hurricane.  You need to communicate this information with your family in order to know how and when to evacuate in the event of a major hurricane.

Now is the time to stock up on non-perishable food items and plenty of water for your entire family.  Not to mention flashlights, battery powered lanterns, radios, and plenty of batteries in the event you do not have to evacuate and will need to ride out the storm and the aftermath with the possibility of no electricity for several days to weeks.

Stay tuned in your area for the latest news and weather on any tropical storm system that may be brewing out in the Atlantic and know when to go into action mode according to your Hurricane Preparedness Guide. 

This site http://www.quakekare.com/emergency-preparedness/hurricane-preparedness.html?gclid=CPmR_8W47JoCFQIyxwodVgZbjQ provides some good hurricane preparedness information as well as emergency kits and supplies for home, car, and office. 

Get prepared and Stay prepared.

Crazy Lady Brutally Beats Peacock!

peacock1How could someone brutally beat and kill such a gorgeous creature!  According to Sandra Maloney of Honolulu, Hawaii, she was sleep deprived and could not take the noise any longer.  After all peacocks are known for their many sounds that are described as calling, chirping, squealing,  screaming, squawking, and even howling.  Once Sandra Maloney had all she could take, she grabbed a baseball bat, went outside and beat the living daylights out of the poor peacock, literally.  She admitted to repeatedly beating the bird in the leg until it fell down the stairs and bashing it in the head eventually putting out the peacock’s eye. 

Sandra Maloney has been charged with second-degree animal cruelty.  If convicted she can face up to one year in jail and a $2,000 fine.  Her next court appearance is scheduled for June 19. 

What would Ms. Maloney do if small children were running around screaming, jumping up and down?  You know, the usual annoying child’s play?  Grab a bat and beat the hell out of them!

This Makes Me Want To Run Out To My Favorite Fast Food Place, NOT!

While surfing the web this morning, one of yahoo’s articles caught my attention, http://recipes.howstuffworks.com/10-ingredients-fast-food.htm.  It is a good thing I had already made a vow to cut back tremendously on my fast food runs.  This article certainly emphasizes the exact reasons why fast food menu items are clearly some of the most unhealthy choices one can make, even if you opt for the grilled chicken instead of the fried version or instead of a burger.  Reading the ingredients in most processed food this morning on an empty stomach made me somewhat ill, literally.  I am still feeling a little queezy just thinking about it. 

We, as Americans, are the most unhealthy nation as a whole.  This is such a shame.  We have gotten lazy and so used to modern conveniences, including fast food that as a society so many of us in astounding numbers are suffering with high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease much of which is caused from obesity.  

The really sad thing is, our children are the ones who are truly suffering as we lead by poor example.  So much for the “Baby Boomers” and longevity!  If our way of eating and little to no activity is passed on to our children and the generations to come the current elderly generation living well into their 80’s, 90’s and beyond will be the last.

I recall during my childhood in the 70’s and 80′ s being able to look around the classroom or entire grade level for that matter and seeing maybe only one child that was considered at the time “fat”.  That child today would be well under the “norm” of obesity.  Yet they were unfortunately ridiculed by their peers for being lazy and unattractive. 

Today, stop and take a look around when you drop your child off at school or go to the playground, beach, or park and begin to count how many children you see that would be classified as “chubby” and beyond.  I think the numbers would be staggering.  What is worse is the fact that it is not even our childrens’ fault.  We, as parents, are making some of the worst choices ever for our own children, which in turn honestly is slowly but surely killing them, knocking years off of their lives.  I am just as guilty.  I admit I am one of those parents that drives thru McDonalds, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, etc. on a fairly regular basis.  Maybe if we stop to think about it for once we can break the chain before it is too late. 

Put this image in your head: “We may as well be putting a cigarette in their hand”.

Check Out This Awesome Kid!

Zack is eleven years old and the founder of Little Red Wagon.  An organization founded in 2007 to bring a greater awareness to the homeless children in this country and beyond. He has an amazing story and purpose.  I am blown away by this kid and could only hope to be half the humanitarian and philanthropist that he is today.  Zack is currently on the final leg of his walk from “My House to the White House” which he began in November 2007.  His journey began in Tampa and will end in Washington, D.C.  The final portion of his amazing and inspirational journey began this morning, May 11 in Atlanta, Georgia.  He will walk 11 miles per day until he reaches his final destination, the White House.  His journey can be tracked via his website, http://www.littleredwagon.com so please check it out.  Certainly this young man will inspire you to get out and make a difference in at least one person’s life starting today.

If only we all would be like Zack, what a difference it would make.

2009 Vacation On A Budget

If you are in desperate need of a vacation but do not have or want to break the bank in order to take that much desired dream vacation you may want to check out options in your home town or state.   You actually may not have to travel far at all to enjoy a relaxing, work-free enviornment.  Check out your community calendar for  festivals, and local events and make plans as if you were on your dream vacation.  Go to the zoo, art museums, water parks, amusement parks, concerts, restaurants that you normally wouldn’t go to.  If you already live near a great vacation destination and don’t think about doing local things get out and join the tourists.  You might actually have fun!

 If you want to branch out beyond your local city scenery check out your state or neighboring states for arts, culture, adventure, or just plain old relaxing.    For instance, you could pack up the family for a camping trip, a trip to the zoo in another city or if you are not the outdoorsy type try indoor event hopping with the family.

Whatever your decision be creative and have fun with it.  After all it is your vacation!

Workout Excuses No More!

women-running-beachRunning short on time?  This tends to be my excuse no matter what my day’s schedule is like.  I should be so ashamed!

No more excuses!  When time is of the essence take 10 minutes out of your busy day to workout and still make it count.

Put on your workout clothes and hit the treadmill, elliptical, stairclimber, or head to the great outdoors for a quick cardio workout.  Alternate one minute at a steady pace with varying one minute bursts at the highest level you can for a total 10-minute cardio session. 

If you have eight more minutes to spare add an 8-minute toning workout by picking up a pair of 3 to 8 pound dumbbells and performing some of your favorite upper/lower body exercises.  Alternating upper and lower body toning exercises will allow automatic rest time for each muscle.  Pick out 8 of your favorite moves (4 upper body and 4 lower body) and perform each exercise for 1 minute.

That sounds easy, doesn’t it?  Let’s get  moving!

Do You Suffer With Asthma?

Here are some smart steps to take if you have asthma:

1.  Don’t smoke – this is plain common sense.  If you smoke you are making your asthma worse.  Tobacco smoke damages cilia, the tiny hair-like structures that  sweep dust and mucus out of the airways. Tobacco smoke damages cilia so they are unable to work, allowing dust and mucus to accumulate in the airways.  When more mucus builds up in the airways it can result in triggering an attack.

Inhaling second-hand smoke, may be even more harmful than actually smoking.  The smoke that burns off the end of a cigar or cigarette contains harmful substances such as tar, carbon monoxide, nicotine, and others.  When a person with asthma is exposed to second-hand smoke it may result in wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.

When a child is exposed to tobacco smoke, his lungs become irritated and produce more mucus than normal and can also affect lung function in later life.  Children with asthma are also more susceptible to developing lung and sinus infections making asthma symptoms more difficult to control.

2.  Management of Triggers – Recognize what triggers you come in contact with and take steps to avoid them.  Such triggers may include tobacco smoke, pet dander, dust mites, mold, pollen, chemical fumes, fragrances, and other triggers that may set off seasonal allergies.  

3.  Daily Self-Management – You should visit your doctor at least once per year or whenever your asthma symptoms change to discuss a daily management plan.  Follow your doctor’s instructions and discuss any questions and concerns that you may have with your doctor.

4.  Self-Monitoring with Peak Flow Meter – A peak flow meter measures how fast you can blow air out of your lungs.  Your doctor may recommend that you check your peak flow every day, only when you have symptoms, or periodically depending on your personal needs.

5.  Inhaled Medications –  An inhaler may be used to give you quick relief from symptoms of an asthma attack.  Be sure to keep a full supply of your reliever medications on hand in case of an asthma attack.  Most doctors recommend that a nebulizer and reliever medication be kept on hand for young children.   A breathing treatment using a nebulizer may be the best source of relief for young children that are not yet able to use an inhaler, or may even be used in conjuction with an inhaler.

A Few of My Favorite Fashionistas!



Halle Berry – No matter the occasion she knows how to dress for her body.  In my opinion she never goes wrong when it comes to fashion.





Heidi Klum – She received mixed reviews when she wore this gown for the 2009 Oscars.  I thought she looked amazing and it is totally Heidi!  With a body like that how can she go wrong!


jennifer lopez nyc 220409



Jennifer Lopez – Now she is one “Hot Mama”!  I believe she  looks better since having babies! 





Joy Bryant – Looking fabulous as always!  She is a true “Fashionista”.





Gwen Stefani – Great dress, great shoes, and great legs!  What more can I say?