Workout Excuses No More!

women-running-beachRunning short on time?  This tends to be my excuse no matter what my day’s schedule is like.  I should be so ashamed!

No more excuses!  When time is of the essence take 10 minutes out of your busy day to workout and still make it count.

Put on your workout clothes and hit the treadmill, elliptical, stairclimber, or head to the great outdoors for a quick cardio workout.  Alternate one minute at a steady pace with varying one minute bursts at the highest level you can for a total 10-minute cardio session. 

If you have eight more minutes to spare add an 8-minute toning workout by picking up a pair of 3 to 8 pound dumbbells and performing some of your favorite upper/lower body exercises.  Alternating upper and lower body toning exercises will allow automatic rest time for each muscle.  Pick out 8 of your favorite moves (4 upper body and 4 lower body) and perform each exercise for 1 minute.

That sounds easy, doesn’t it?  Let’s get  moving!

1 Comment

  1. Love this blog I’ll be back when I have more time.

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