This Makes Me Want To Run Out To My Favorite Fast Food Place, NOT!

While surfing the web this morning, one of yahoo’s articles caught my attention,  It is a good thing I had already made a vow to cut back tremendously on my fast food runs.  This article certainly emphasizes the exact reasons why fast food menu items are clearly some of the most unhealthy choices one can make, even if you opt for the grilled chicken instead of the fried version or instead of a burger.  Reading the ingredients in most processed food this morning on an empty stomach made me somewhat ill, literally.  I am still feeling a little queezy just thinking about it. 

We, as Americans, are the most unhealthy nation as a whole.  This is such a shame.  We have gotten lazy and so used to modern conveniences, including fast food that as a society so many of us in astounding numbers are suffering with high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease much of which is caused from obesity.  

The really sad thing is, our children are the ones who are truly suffering as we lead by poor example.  So much for the “Baby Boomers” and longevity!  If our way of eating and little to no activity is passed on to our children and the generations to come the current elderly generation living well into their 80’s, 90’s and beyond will be the last.

I recall during my childhood in the 70’s and 80′ s being able to look around the classroom or entire grade level for that matter and seeing maybe only one child that was considered at the time “fat”.  That child today would be well under the “norm” of obesity.  Yet they were unfortunately ridiculed by their peers for being lazy and unattractive. 

Today, stop and take a look around when you drop your child off at school or go to the playground, beach, or park and begin to count how many children you see that would be classified as “chubby” and beyond.  I think the numbers would be staggering.  What is worse is the fact that it is not even our childrens’ fault.  We, as parents, are making some of the worst choices ever for our own children, which in turn honestly is slowly but surely killing them, knocking years off of their lives.  I am just as guilty.  I admit I am one of those parents that drives thru McDonalds, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, etc. on a fairly regular basis.  Maybe if we stop to think about it for once we can break the chain before it is too late. 

Put this image in your head: “We may as well be putting a cigarette in their hand”.

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