2009 Hurricane Season Has Arrived

Hurricane KatrinaAnother Hurricane Season has arrived in the Atlantic.  According to Colorado State University Forecasters, 2009 is expected to bring an above average hurricane season with at least 14 storms of which 7 will become hurricanes. 

The much needed rain arrived a little early to South Florida this year with a record number of rainfall for May.  According to Palm Beach County Meteorologists there was 15.7 inches of rain, which makes May 2009 the second-wettest May in history according to Palm Beach records.  May 1890 is recorded as having the most rainfall in Palm Beach County history with 16.2 inches.

The Atlantic Hurricane Season runs from June 1 to November 30. With a typical season consisting of 11 named storms, 6 hurricanes, and 2 major hurricanes according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

No matter where you live along the Eastern Seaboard it is a good idea to get prepared if you have not done so already by reviewing your hurricane preparedness guide and have a plan you are ready to act on in the even of a hurricane.  You need to communicate this information with your family in order to know how and when to evacuate in the event of a major hurricane.

Now is the time to stock up on non-perishable food items and plenty of water for your entire family.  Not to mention flashlights, battery powered lanterns, radios, and plenty of batteries in the event you do not have to evacuate and will need to ride out the storm and the aftermath with the possibility of no electricity for several days to weeks.

Stay tuned in your area for the latest news and weather on any tropical storm system that may be brewing out in the Atlantic and know when to go into action mode according to your Hurricane Preparedness Guide. 

This site http://www.quakekare.com/emergency-preparedness/hurricane-preparedness.html?gclid=CPmR_8W47JoCFQIyxwodVgZbjQ provides some good hurricane preparedness information as well as emergency kits and supplies for home, car, and office. 

Get prepared and Stay prepared.

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