Crazy Lady Brutally Beats Peacock!

peacock1How could someone brutally beat and kill such a gorgeous creature!  According to Sandra Maloney of Honolulu, Hawaii, she was sleep deprived and could not take the noise any longer.  After all peacocks are known for their many sounds that are described as calling, chirping, squealing,  screaming, squawking, and even howling.  Once Sandra Maloney had all she could take, she grabbed a baseball bat, went outside and beat the living daylights out of the poor peacock, literally.  She admitted to repeatedly beating the bird in the leg until it fell down the stairs and bashing it in the head eventually putting out the peacock’s eye. 

Sandra Maloney has been charged with second-degree animal cruelty.  If convicted she can face up to one year in jail and a $2,000 fine.  Her next court appearance is scheduled for June 19. 

What would Ms. Maloney do if small children were running around screaming, jumping up and down?  You know, the usual annoying child’s play?  Grab a bat and beat the hell out of them!

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