Michael Jackson Remembered

You will be missed Michael, but through your music you will live on.

Remembering the “King of Pop”   1958-2009

The First Lady Has Legs

Who would have thought that our First Lady, Michelle Obama, would be catching so much flak for having and showing great body parts.  First of all was the big debate last February over Mrs. Obama baring her arms.  Now another controversial debate is sparked because she chose to wear shorts that showed her thighs.  My goodness! 

The bold, leg baring move this week by the First Lady has certainly sparked new conversation at the office water cooler.  The question is, “Should she or shouldn’t she wear short-shorts?”  In my office co-workers were split all but one to one with the consensus being that she should be able to dress for the occasion and how she feels comfortable.  “She looked good!”, one exclaimed, “and for God’s sake she is not an old woman”.  Another stated that if she is comfortable showing her assets then so be it.  One female co-worker went as far as to say she would love it if Mrs. Obama upon President Obama’s completion of term in office would pose for Playboy.  That might be going a little too far in flaunting the First Lady’s assets.

The lone woman that brought up the subject to begin with thought that the First Lady crossed the line by wearing those shorts and that she should dress more appropriately by being more conservative.  No one else seemed to take it that seriously and a co-worker mentioned the fact that no one made a big deal out of it when President Obama was photographed with no shirt on.  All anyone could say about that at the time was how good he looked.

I say, “What’s the big deal anyway?  Michelle Obama is a healthy, confident, vibrant, young First Lady and when you’ve got it, well, you’ve got it!”