2009 Vacation On A Budget

If you are in desperate need of a vacation but do not have or want to break the bank in order to take that much desired dream vacation you may want to check out options in your home town or state.   You actually may not have to travel far at all to enjoy a relaxing, work-free enviornment.  Check out your community calendar for  festivals, and local events and make plans as if you were on your dream vacation.  Go to the zoo, art museums, water parks, amusement parks, concerts, restaurants that you normally wouldn’t go to.  If you already live near a great vacation destination and don’t think about doing local things get out and join the tourists.  You might actually have fun!

 If you want to branch out beyond your local city scenery check out your state or neighboring states for arts, culture, adventure, or just plain old relaxing.    For instance, you could pack up the family for a camping trip, a trip to the zoo in another city or if you are not the outdoorsy type try indoor event hopping with the family.

Whatever your decision be creative and have fun with it.  After all it is your vacation!