Check Out This Awesome Kid!

Zack is eleven years old and the founder of Little Red Wagon.  An organization founded in 2007 to bring a greater awareness to the homeless children in this country and beyond. He has an amazing story and purpose.  I am blown away by this kid and could only hope to be half the humanitarian and philanthropist that he is today.  Zack is currently on the final leg of his walk from “My House to the White House” which he began in November 2007.  His journey began in Tampa and will end in Washington, D.C.  The final portion of his amazing and inspirational journey began this morning, May 11 in Atlanta, Georgia.  He will walk 11 miles per day until he reaches his final destination, the White House.  His journey can be tracked via his website, so please check it out.  Certainly this young man will inspire you to get out and make a difference in at least one person’s life starting today.

If only we all would be like Zack, what a difference it would make.

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