
Style Terms To Know

Definition of Style according to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:
1 a distinctive quality, form, or type of something
2 a: the state of being popular : fashion b: fashionable elegance c: beauty, grace, or ease of manner or technique

 Fashion:  a: a prevailing custom, usage, or style b (1): the prevailing style (as in dress) during a particular time (2): a garment in such a style <always wears the latest fashions> c: social standing or prominence especially as signalized by dress or conduct <men and women of fashion>

Fashionista:  : a designer, promoter, or follower of the latest fashions

Fad: a practice or interest followed for a time with exaggerated zeal : Craze

Trend:   a: a prevailing tendency or inclination; b:  a current style or preference : vogue <new fashion trends>

Trend Setter:  One that sets a trend

Vogue:  1archaic : the leading place in popularity or acceptance                                                                                                                                                                     2 a: popular acceptation or favor : popularity  b: a period of popularity           3: one that is in fashion at a particular time

Couture:  1 : the business of designing, making, and selling fashionable custom-made women’s clothing 2 : the designers and establishments engaged in couture 3 : the clothes created by couture

Haute Couture:   the houses or designers that create exclusive and often trend-setting fashions for women ; also : the fashions created

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